AlexisHR API (v1-preview)

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AlexisHR Support: License: EUL Terms of Service


AlexisHR API is currently in preview. This means that small, backward incompatible changes might be introduced while in preview. The changes will be documented and communicated.


curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your_access_token>"

Authenticate your account when using the API by including your secret Access Token in the request. Manage your Access Tokens.

Authentication is performed by passing the Access Token in the Authorization header.


You will find the structure of the API to be highly uniform and consistent. Typically every resource can be accessed via a top level endpoint, such as /v1/employee. For every such resource, you can perform some of the following operations:


GET /v1/:resource List all objects of this type
GET /v1/:resource/:id Retrieve a resource by id
POST /v1/:resource Create a resource of this type
PATCH /v1/:resource/:id Update the resource by id
DELETE /v1/:resource/:id Delete the resource by id


The Access Tokens will have owner permission on the account


Some of the list endpoints allow to filter results by certain conditions. Refer to specific resources to find out what criteria are allowed. Below is a list of the different conditions.


Find all results matching the attribute value specified.

GET /v1/example?filters[fieldName][$eq]=value

Can also be simplified like this.

GET /v1/example?filters[fieldName]=value


Find all results not matching the attribute value specified.

GET /v1/example?filters[fieldName][$neq]=value

$gt, $gte

Find all results where the value is more ($gt) or more and equal ($gte) to a given value.

GET /v1/example?filters[startDate][$gte]=2020-01-01

$lt, $lte

Find all results where the value is less ($lt) or less and equal ($lte) to a given value.

GET /v1/example?filters[startDate][$lte]=2020-01-01

$in, $nin

Find all results matching ($in) or not matching ($nin) any of the attribute values specified.

GET /v1/example?filters[fieldName][$in][]=value1&filters[fieldName][$in][]=value2


Find all results between two values specified.

GET /v1/example?filters[startDate][$between][]=2020-01-01&filters[startDate][$between][]=2020-12-31


Each version of the API is guaranteed to be compatible with the resources of the same version. When we make breaking changes to the API a new version will be published



Field [updated] added for filter & select for Get Many Employments and Get Many Employees.


First draft was published



Security Scheme Type HTTP
HTTP Authorization Scheme bearer
Bearer format "JWT"
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